Idl 8.5.1
Idl 8.5.1 for Mac can be downloaded from our website for free. Our built-in antivirus checked this Mac download and rated it as 100% safe. The most popular version among idl for Mac users is 8.2. This Mac app is an intellectual property of Exelis Visual Information Solutions. Idl for Mac is included in Education Tools. TDAS 12.1 + SPEDAS 4.1, Linux 64bit executable with IDL 8.5.1, CDF 3.7.1, Geopack 7.6 (70 MB) The Enhancement Lists for TDAS 12.1 + SPEDAS Version 4.1 can be found here. Installation on a Mac. Newer Mac OS X versions do not include the X11 libraries. XQuartz (X11) has to be downloaded and installed, or IDL will not work. The IDL bin directory, 1) a.dlm file and 2) either file (Linux, Mac) or a.dll file (Windows). SPEDAS is free software but if you do not have an IDL license, then. SPEDAS 3.2, Windows 64bit executable with IDL 8.5.1, CDF 3.7.1. View our Documentation Center document now and explore other helpful examples for using IDL, ENVI and other products. What's New in IDL 8.5.1 Welcome to the L3 Harris Geospatial documentation center.
I installed IDL 8.5.1 successfully on my MacOS Sierra 10.12.2 following the instructions from
However, when I tried to set up the IDL-python bridge, I run into an issue (I'm using python 2.7, the preinstalled version on my mac, not Anaconda). When I ran:
np = Python.Import('numpy')
I got the error message:
% DLM_LOAD: Error loading sharable executable.
Symbol: IDL_Load, File = /Applications/exelis/idl85/bin/bin.darwin.x86_64/
dlopen(/Applications/exelis/idl85/bin/bin.darwin.x86_64/, 1): Library not loaded: libpython2.7.dylib
Referenced from: /Applications/exelis/idl85/bin/bin.darwin.x86_64/
Reason: image not found
I searched the web and followed one post by Chris Torrence ( to set up the path, but still got the same error. Here are the steps I did on my mac:
First, set up the paths:
export PATH /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin:${PATH}
export PYTHONHOME /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7
export PYTHONPATH /Users/username/Applications/exelis/idl/bin/bin.darwin.x86_64
export PYTHONPATH ${PYTHONPATH}:/Users/username/Applications/exelis/idl85/lib/bridges
Then, for the IDL-to-Python bridge, run the following commands:
cd Applications/exelis/idl85/bin/bin.darwin.x86_64/
sudo install_name_tool -change libpython2.7.dylib /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/lib/libpython2.7.dylib
For the Python-to-IDL bridge (some of these are duplicated from above):
cd Applications/exelis/idl85/bin/bin.darwin.x86_64/
sudo install_name_tool -change libidl.8.5.dylib @loader_path/libidl.8.5.dylib
sudo install_name_tool -change libidl_ips.8.5.dylib @loader_path/libidl_ips.8.5.dylib
sudo install_name_tool -change libpython2.7.dylib /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/lib/libpython2.7.dylib
At this point, DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH is still needed in the .login to specify IDL’s bin directory. To eliminate that, the following updates can be made to tell various libraries where to find their dependencies:
sudo install_name_tool -change libMesaGL6_2.dylib @loader_path/libMesaGL6_2.dylib libidl.8.5.dylib
sudo install_name_tool -change libMesaGLU6_2.dylib @loader_path/libMesaGLU6_2.dylib libidl.8.5.dylib
sudo install_name_tool -change libOSMesa6_2.dylib @loader_path/libOSMesa6_2.dylib libidl.8.5.dylib
sudo install_name_tool -change libXm.3.0.2.dylib @loader_path/libXm.3.0.2.dylib libidl.8.5.dylib
sudo install_name_tool -change libMesaGL6_2.dylib @loader_path/libMesaGL6_2.dylib libMesaGLU6_2.dylib
sudo install_name_tool -change libMesaGL6_2.dylib @loader_path/libMesaGL6_2.dylib libOSMesa6_2.dylib
sudo install_name_tool -change libidl.8.5.dylib @loader_path/libidl.8.5.dylib libidl_ips.8.5.dylib
After these settings, when I try to import python modules in IDL, the error message says Library not loaded: libpython2.7.dylib... Can anyone help me on this?
Analysis Software
ELFIN data can be analyzed using the SPEDAS software suite, which stands for 'Space Physics Environment Data Analysis Software.'
Idl 8.5
To access ELFIN within SPEDAS, you must download the “Nightly Build” version. Full instructions and links here: SPEDAS Download and Installation. There is also a developer blog and a wiki page with more detailed information on the suite and its use.
Idl 8.4
SPEDAS is a general-purpose software framework and Graphical User Interface (GUI), which includes code adapted from NASA's CDAweb and can download data from dozens of NASA space missions. It consists of IDL routines which read data in CDF format, as well as other less refined data sets. IDL routines can be used to download, open, analyze, and plot scientific data. For ELFIN, it can download Level 1 (L1) and Level 2 (L2) data quantities and also transform L1 data into L2 data. L1 data is raw, uncalibrated data in CDF format. L2 data is calibrated in physical units. These IDL routines were derived from those used by the THEMIS-ARTEMIS (TDAS), Cluster, Wind, Polar, and FAST missions. In addition to command line invoked IDL routines, the software provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for opening, analyzing, and plotting data. This interface was designed to facilitate use of the most useful IDL routines.