Excel Vba Microsoft Internet Controls

Excel Vba Microsoft Internet Controls

In order to control the Internet Explorer web browser, VBA needs 2 additional reference libraries:

Microsoft HTML Object Library and Microsoft Internet Controls


Here’s how to add them…

Excel vba microsoft internet controls windows 10

Open the VBA Editor, and click Tools > References…

Make sure these 4 References are active by default:

In this video, I will demo how to use Web Browser Control in Microsoft Excel 2019 VBAYou can see more detail and download source code demo from my apps at ht. This is a sample program to control the ENA over LAN using Microsoft Excel on an external PC. The sample program is written in Microsoft Excel VBA and using WinSock API in the Windows environment. Revision Number. Operating Conditions. Firmware rev.A.02.xx / A.03.xx. Install Procedures. Download the 'ctrllan.xls' file. In the below window, scroll down and choose “ Microsoft Internet Controls.”. Step 3: Check the box of “Microsoft Internet Controls” and click on Ok. Now we should see this object name in the IntelliSense list. Step 4: Choose “InternetExplorer.”. Step 5: Next, we need to set the reference to enable Internet Explorer. VBA-Excel: Perform Google Search on Internet Explorer using Microsoft Excel January 30, 2015 October 21, 2014 by Sumit Jain This article will teach you about how you can perform a google search on Internet Explorer using Microsoft Excel.

First, in VBA create a reference: Choose the option shown from the VBA code editor (this example is for Excel). Select Microsoft Internet Controls (you may find it helpful to type an M in first, to go down to the object libraries starting with M ): Tick the Microsoft Internet Controls object library reference.

  • Visual Basic for Applications
  • Microsoft Excel xx.x Object Library
  • OLE Automation
  • Microsoft Office xx.x Object Library

Scroll down a tick these 2 web-related References:

Excel Vba Microsoft Internet Controls
  • Microsoft HTML Ojbect Library
  • Microsoft Internet Controls

Excel Vba Microsoft Internet Controls Reference

Resulting in…